Automatically updated by Last updated: 06/21/2021, Has been updated for 178 days.
πŸ‘‰Β Β github shields Star me if it’s useful.
πŸ”₯ Stars 🌐 Dependent Packages / Repos πŸ“ Last Commit / Release
  1. React GitHub πŸ”₯ 170k 🌐 6.7m / + 6,746,708 A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  2. react-native πŸ”₯ 96.3k 🌐 690k / + 689,698 A framework for building native apps with React. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  3. create-react-app πŸ”₯ 88.6k 🌐 4.1m / + 4,128,863 Set up a modern web app by running one command. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  4. ant-design πŸ”₯ 72.6k 🌐 217k / + 216,609 A UI Design Language and React UI library πŸ“ 4 years ago
  5. next.js πŸ”₯ 69.7k 🌐 324k / + 324,439 The React Framework πŸ“ 4 years ago
  6. material-ui πŸ”₯ 69k 🌐 594k / + 593,659 Material-UI is a simple and customizable component library to build faster, beautiful, and more accessible React applications. Follow your own design system, or start with Material Design. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  7. storybook πŸ”₯ 62.8k 🌐 74.4k / + 74,354 The UI component explorer. Develop, document, & test React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember, Svelte & more! πŸ“ 4 years ago
  8. Redux GitHub πŸ”₯ 56.2k 🌐 1.6m / + 1,625,743 Predictable state container for JavaScript apps πŸ“ 4 years ago
  9. gatsby.js πŸ”₯ 50.6k 🌐 346k / + 345,982 Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  10. react-router πŸ”₯ 43.4k 🌐 2.3m / + 2,263,062 Declarative routing for React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  11. jest πŸ”₯ 35.6k 🌐 3.2m / + 3,182,894 Delightful JavaScript Testing. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  12. styled-components πŸ”₯ 34k 🌐 660k / + 659,665 Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress πŸ“ 4 years ago
  13. immutable-js πŸ”₯ 31.1k Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  14. formik πŸ”₯ 27.6k 🌐 112k / + 111,697 Build forms in React, without the tears πŸ“ 4 years ago
  15. Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript πŸ”₯ 26.1k Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript πŸ“ 4 years ago
  16. uppy πŸ”₯ 24.2k 🌐 5.9k / + 5,899 The next open source file uploader for web browsers πŸ“ 4 years ago
  17. react-beautiful-dnd πŸ”₯ 24k 🌐 25.4k / + 25,397 Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  18. mobx πŸ”₯ 23.9k 🌐 82.8k / + 82,791 Simple, scalable state management. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  19. react-select πŸ”₯ 22.8k 🌐 135k / + 135,203 The Select Component for React.js πŸ“ 4 years ago
  20. react-virtualized πŸ”₯ 21.9k 🌐 30.6k / + 30,554 React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data πŸ“ 4 years ago
  21. redux-saga πŸ”₯ 21.7k 🌐 188k / + 188,336 An alternative side effect model for Redux apps πŸ“ 4 years ago
  22. react-hook-form πŸ”₯ 21.6k 🌐 64.2k / + 64,158 React Hooks for forms validation (Web + React Native) πŸ“ 4 years ago
  23. docz πŸ”₯ 21.4k 🌐 3.8k / + 3,805 It has never been so easy to document your things! πŸ“ 4 years ago
  24. react-redux πŸ”₯ 21.1k 🌐 1.5m / + 1,521,060 Official React bindings for Redux πŸ“ 4 years ago
  25. Slate πŸ”₯ 21k 🌐 58.6k / + 58,560 A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.) πŸ“ 4 years ago
  26. react-query πŸ”₯ 20.9k 🌐 13.9k / + 13,934 Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  27. react-starter-kit πŸ”₯ 20.8k 🌐 1.4k / + 1,383 React Starter Kit β€” front-end starter kit using React, Relay, GraphQL, and JAM stack architecture πŸ“ 4 years ago
  28. React/Redux Links πŸ”₯ 20.7k Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more πŸ“ 4 years ago
  29. react-spring πŸ”₯ 20.6k A spring physics based React animation library πŸ“ 4 years ago
  30. Draft.js πŸ”₯ 20.5k 🌐 88.2k / + 88,198 A React framework for building text editors. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  31. immer πŸ”₯ 20.5k 🌐 1.4m / + 1,382,327 Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one πŸ“ 4 years ago
  32. normalizr πŸ”₯ 20.2k 🌐 14.4k / + 14,410 Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema πŸ“ 4 years ago
  33. react-motion πŸ”₯ 19.8k 🌐 37k / + 36,995 A spring that solves your animation problems. πŸ“ 5 years ago
  34. react-bootstrap πŸ”₯ 19.6k 🌐 482k / + 481,538 Bootstrap components built with React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  35. enzyme πŸ”₯ 19.6k 🌐 352k / + 352,149 JavaScript Testing utilities for React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  36. chakra-ui πŸ”₯ 19k 🌐 16.1k / + 16,076 Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications πŸ“ 4 years ago
  37. reselect πŸ”₯ 18k 🌐 554k / + 553,989 Selector library for Redux πŸ“ 4 years ago
  38. blueprint πŸ”₯ 17.9k 🌐 8.9k / + 8,932 A React-based UI toolkit for the web πŸ“ 4 years ago
  39. graphql-js πŸ”₯ 17.7k 🌐 490k / + 489,861 A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript πŸ“ 4 years ago
  40. react-admin πŸ”₯ 17.1k 🌐 6.1k / + 6,134 A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design πŸ“ 4 years ago
  41. cleave.js πŸ”₯ 16.7k 🌐 4.8k / + 4,751 Format input text content when you are typing... πŸ“ 5 years ago
  42. recharts πŸ”₯ 16.5k 🌐 48.7k / + 48,697 Redefined chart library built with React and D3 πŸ“ 4 years ago
  43. ink πŸ”₯ 16.4k 🌐 37k / + 36,947 React for interactive command-line apps πŸ“ 4 years ago
  44. redux-thunk πŸ”₯ 16.4k 🌐 889k / + 888,712 Thunk middleware for Redux πŸ“ 4 years ago
  45. kibana πŸ”₯ 16.2k 🌐 6 Your window into the Elastic Stack πŸ“ 4 years ago
  46. react-loadable πŸ”₯ 16k 🌐 57.9k / + 57,842 A higher order component for loading components with promises. πŸ“ 5 years ago
  47. react-dnd πŸ”₯ 16k 🌐 84.7k / + 84,733 Drag and Drop for React πŸ“ 4 years ago
  48. Relay GitHub πŸ”₯ 15.8k 🌐 4.1k / + 4,083 Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  49. RxDB πŸ”₯ 15.7k 🌐 712 / + 704 A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications πŸ“ 4 years ago
  50. react-helmet πŸ”₯ 15.3k 🌐 419k / + 418,896 A document head manager for React πŸ“ 5 years ago
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