Automatically updated by Last updated: 06/21/2021, Has been updated for 207 days.
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πŸ”₯ Stars 🌐 Dependent Packages / Repos πŸ“ Last Commit / Release
  1. animate.css πŸ”₯ 71.3k 🌐 87.8k / + 87,764 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. πŸ“ 4 years ago / 4 years ago
  2. Anime.js πŸ”₯ 39.7k 🌐 24.8k / + 24,826 JavaScript animation engine πŸ“ 4 years ago / 4 years ago
  3. impress.js πŸ”₯ 36.3k 🌐 112 / + 104 It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind πŸ“ 4 years ago / 5 years ago
  4. particles.js πŸ”₯ 24.3k 🌐 9.3k / + 9,278 A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles πŸ“ 8 years ago / 10 years ago
  5. velocity πŸ”₯ 17k 🌐 22.9k / + 22,924 Accelerated JavaScript animation. πŸ“ 5 years ago / 7 years ago
  6. Mo.js πŸ”₯ 16.9k 🌐 209 / + 201 The motion graphics toolbelt for the web πŸ“ 4 years ago / 4 years ago
  7. GreenSock-JS πŸ”₯ 12.6k 🌐 51.2k / + 51,213 GreenSock's GSAP JavaScript animation library (including Draggable). πŸ“ 4 years ago
  8. Effeckt.css πŸ”₯ 11.1k This repo is archived. Thanks! πŸ“ 6 years ago
  9. jquery.transit πŸ”₯ 7.4k 🌐 487 / + 479 Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery πŸ“ 10 years ago
  10. Dynamic.js πŸ”₯ 7.3k 🌐 788 / + 780 Javascript library to create physics-based animations πŸ“ 8 years ago / 8 years ago
  11. bounce.js πŸ”₯ 6.2k Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time. πŸ“ 10 years ago / 10 years ago
  12. move.js πŸ”₯ 4.6k 🌐 139 / + 131 CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework πŸ“ 4 years ago / 9 years ago
  13. smoothState.js πŸ”₯ 4.5k 🌐 161 / + 153 Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery. πŸ“ 4 years ago / 10 years ago
  14. textillate πŸ”₯ 3.6k 🌐 102 / + 94 A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations. πŸ“ 7 years ago / 10 years ago
  15. animatable πŸ”₯ 2.5k One property, two values, endless possiblities πŸ“ 4 years ago
  16. tsParticles πŸ”₯ 1.9k 🌐 2.9k / + 2,858 tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable particles animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Inferno. πŸ“ 4 years ago / 4 years ago
  17. particles-bg πŸ”₯ 390 🌐 2.2k / + 2,220 React particles animation background component πŸ“ 4 years ago / 5 years ago
  18. shuffle-images πŸ”₯ 207 The Simplest Way to shuffle through images in a Creative Way πŸ“ 5 years ago
  19. TransitionEnd πŸ”₯ 94 🌐 133 / + 125 TransitionEnd is an agnostic and cross-browser library to work with transitionend event. πŸ“ 4 years ago
  20. the-cube πŸ”₯ 8 The Cube is an experiment with CSS3 transitions.
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