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- d3 🔥 97.4k 🌐 212k / + 212,118 Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- three.js 🔥 72k 🌐 56.7k / + 56,687 JavaScript 3D Library. 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- Chart.js 🔥 54.1k 🌐 387k / + 386,514 Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- echarts 🔥 46.9k 🌐 148k / + 147,868 Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- fabric.js 🔥 19k 🌐 4.6k / + 4,568 Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- recharts 🔥 16.5k 🌐 48.7k / + 48,697 Redefined chart library built with React and D3 📝 4 年前
- processing.js 🔥 15.6k 🌐 8.8k / + 8,828 p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. http://twitter.com/p5xjs — 📝 3 年前 / 4 年前
- BabylonJS 🔥 14.3k 🌐 2.6k / + 2,610 Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework. 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- Frappe Charts 🔥 13.9k 🌐 1.2k / + 1,179 Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies 📝 3 年前 / 4 年前
- chartist-js 🔥 12.6k 🌐 47k / + 47,018 Simple responsive charts 📝 5 年前 / 10 年前
- paper.js 🔥 12.5k 🌐 2.9k / + 2,930 The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey 📝 4 年前 / 4 年前
- raphael 🔥 10.9k 🌐 33.2k / + 33,237 JavaScript Vector Library 📝 4 年前 / 5 年前
- G2 🔥 10.8k 🌐 8k / + 7,963 A highly interactive data-driven visualization grammar for statistical charts. 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- trianglify 🔥 9.7k 🌐 562 / + 554 Algorithmically generated triangle art 📝 4 年前
- sigma.js 🔥 9.4k 🌐 436 / + 428 A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing 📝 6 年前 / 7 年前
- vega 🔥 9.3k 🌐 2.4k / + 2,391 A visualization grammar. 📝 3 年前 / 4 年前
- c3 🔥 9.1k 🌐 6.1k / + 6,121 A D3-based reusable chart library 📝 4 年前 / 4 年前
- svg.js 🔥 8.9k 🌐 901 / + 893 The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- G6 🔥 7.9k 🌐 10 / + 2 A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- F2 🔥 7.6k 🌐 3.7k / + 3,737 An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile. 📝 3 年前 / 4 年前
- metrics-graphics 🔥 7.4k 🌐 228 / + 220 A library optimized for concise and principled data graphics and layouts. 📝 4 年前 / 8 年前
- two.js 🔥 7.2k A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web. 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- dc.js 🔥 7.2k 🌐 766 / + 758 Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js 📝 3 年前 / 5 年前
- nvd3 🔥 7.1k 🌐 20.5k / + 20,509 A reusable charting library written in d3.js 📝 6 年前 / 7 年前
- morris.js 🔥 7k 🌐 33.2k / + 33,168 Pretty time-series line graphs 📝 8 年前
- rickshaw 🔥 6.5k 🌐 4k / + 3,966 JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs 📝 5 年前 / 5 年前
- mxGraph 🔥 6.1k mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library 📝 4 年前
- flot 🔥 5.9k 🌐 27k / + 27,020 Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery 📝 4 年前 / 11 年前
- heatmap.js 🔥 5.6k 🌐 1.2k / + 1,190 JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps 📝 8 年前 / 8 年前
- epoch 🔥 5k 🌐 135 / + 127 A general purpose, real-time visualization library. 📝 9 年前
- cubism 🔥 4.9k Cubism.js: A JavaScript library for time series visualization.
- peity 🔥 4.2k Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts 📝 5 年前
- d3-cloud 🔥 3.4k 🌐 2.2k / + 2,155 Create word clouds in JavaScript. 📝 7 年前
- dimple.js 🔥 2.7k An object-oriented API for business analytics
- arbor 🔥 2.6k a graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery 📝 12 年前
- Frappe Gantt 🔥 2.4k 🌐 422 / + 414 Open Source Javascript Gantt 📝 4 年前
- L7 🔥 2.3k 🌐 855 / + 847 Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization analysis framework which relies on Mapbox GL or AMap to render basemaps. 📝 3 年前 / 5 年前
- X6 🔥 1.9k 🌐 161 / + 153 JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering. 📝 3 年前 / 3 年前
- envisionjs 🔥 1.6k Dynamic HTML5 visualization 📝 11 年前
- vis 🔥 1.5k 🌐 1.1k / + 1,082 Display dynamic, automatically organised, customizable network views. 📝 3 年前 / 4 年前
- g.raphael 🔥 1.5k Charts for Raphaël
- jquery.sparkline 🔥 1.2k A plugin for the jQuery javascript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser 📝 11 年前
- AVA 🔥 979 A framework for automated visual analytics. 📝 3 年前
- GraphicsJS 🔥 941 🌐 8 A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology. 📝 3 年前 / 6 年前
- d4 🔥 430 A friendly reusable charts DSL for D3 📝 6 年前 / 9 年前